11 Health Benefits Of Black Pepper

Friends, in this article, you will know about 11 Health Benefits Of Black Pepper.

benefits of black pepper
Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Black Pepper is also known as Round Pepper, Marich, Round Marich, and Kali Marich.

Its scientific name is piper nigrum.

According to Ayurveda, it suppresses Vata and Kaph.

It is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals (eg calcium, phosphorus, etc.) and vitamins.

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Health Benefits Of Black Pepper Are : -

It is commonly used in almost every house. But friends do you know how beneficial it is for your health. Here I am listing the Health Benefits Of Black Pepper in different health problems:

1) Its use in Toothache And Gums Weakness :

Make a powder by grinding an equal quantity of black pepper and rock salt for toothache and gums weakness, add 2-3 drops of mustard oil in it and mix it well. 
Apply it on the teeth and gums, and rinse it after half an hour.

2) Its use in cough:

Mix a pinch of this pepper (or piper nigrum) with a half teaspoon of clarified butter; to cure your cough you can eat this mixture after your meal.

Or you can lick half teaspoon of its (piper nigrum) powder after mixing half teaspoon of honey in it, lick it three to four times a day to cure your cough

3) For Gas and Acidity Problems :

Add half teaspoon of lemon juice, half teaspoon of black salt and half teaspoon of piper nigrum powder in 1 cup of water. 

Regular consumption of this for a few days cures stomach gas and acidity problems.

4) For Sore Throat or Hoarseness

Boil 10 black pepper in water, and do gargles with this water; it will cure your throat infection and hoarseness

5) For Worm Infestation:

If there is a problem of worm infestation in the intestine, then dissolve a pinch of piper nigrum powder in 1 glass of buttermilk and drink it.

Or you can mix this pepper with raisins and eat it 2 to 3 times a day.

benefits of black pepper
health benefits of black pepper

6) For Joint Pains:

Heat this pepper in sesame oil, and massaging it on the painful and inflamed joints after cooling provide intense relief in pain and inflammation to arthritic patients.

7) For Boil and Pustules:

Mix the black pepper powder in clarified butter (ghee) and apply it on the boil and pustules; it will cure the boil and pustules.

8) For High Blood Pressure:

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, then mix half teaspoon of this pepper (or piper nigrum) powder in half glass of water and drink it. It will help a lot in controlling high blood pressure.

benefits of black pepper
black pepper health benefits

9) For Piles:

Mix black pepper, cumin, and loaf sugar; grind them, and make them powder. Take 2 to 3 times of this powder in a day, it provides a lot of relief in piles.

10) For Depression: 

Regular consumption of this pepper (or piper nigrum) helps the body in making the hormone called serotonin, and serotonin provides relief in depression.

11) For Improving Memory:

Licking daily 1 teaspoon of the mixture, made by mixing equal quantity of clarified butter (ghee), black pepper, and loaf sugar together, improves memory and cures weakness of mind.

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11 Health Benefits Of Black Pepper 11 Health Benefits Of Black Pepper Reviewed by LK on March 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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