10 Health Benefits Of Winter Cherry | Ashwagandha

In this article, you will know the 10 health benefits of winter cherry or Ashwagandha and the dosage of this miraculous herb.

Winter Cherry (Ashwagandha)

ashwagandha powder

Winter cherry is a very beneficial herb for health and it is also known as Indian ginseng.

Its root smells like a horse, so it is called ashwagandha. 

It is also called Asagandha or Aasandha. 

It is easily available in powder, capsule, and tablet form.

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10 Health Benefits Of Winter Cherry (Ashwagandha)

Winter cherry is a magnificent herb having many health benefits. Its main 10 benefits are:-

1) It improves digestion and benefits in flatulence, indigestion, etc.

2) Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is very beneficial in arthritis and joint pain.

3) This herb is very beneficial in respiratory diseases like asthma. 
Its regular intake reduces the frequent attacks in patients suffering from asthma.

4) It also boosts up your immunity and due to which you don’t get easily infected with cough, cold, etc.

5) This herb is also very beneficial in diabetes. Its regular consumption reduces the blood sugar level of diabetic patients. 
That is why it is used in almost every ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.

6) Its consumption helps to reduce stress. 
And it also improves mood and increases brainpower.

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ashwagandha tablets

7) Its consumption is very beneficial for people suffering from insomnia, as it helps in curing insomnia. 

8) It has wonderful anti-aging properties due to which it prevents fine lines and wrinkles to come before time.

9) This herb has many benefits even in children. In children, it increases their brain functioning and boosts their memory. 
Its continuous intake helps to increase their height. 
And it also increases their physical strength.

10) People who do bodybuilding or who want to increase their weight, this herb can do wonders for them. It helps them to get muscle gain instead of fat. 
It increases their weight and it also increases their stamina.

(Also read    BMI | Body Mass Index )

The daily dose of Winter Cherry (Ashwagandha):--

In powdered form1 to 2 grams of this herb with milk, after mixing sugar candy in it, can be consumed 3 times a day.

In tablet or capsule form: 
1 capsule or 1 tablet of this herb with milk, after mixing sugar candy in it, can be consumed twice a day.

(Also read     6 Side Effects Of Fish Oil Capsules | Fish Burps )

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Disclaimer:  This article is intended for informational purposes only. Any information associated with this article should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by local health care professionals.
10 Health Benefits Of Winter Cherry | Ashwagandha 10 Health Benefits Of Winter Cherry | Ashwagandha Reviewed by LK on February 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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